Pattie Freeman CHT, CI, MST




Post Retirement- Professional Athletes 


Think before not After retirement, most athletes have made some pretty weird decisions. Many athletes take a new career path post-retirement—after all, most professional athletes only play a few years in their respective sport. You see a lot of TV analysts, businessmen, spokespeople and philanthropists. So these athletes never get prepared for what to expect after the pro years are done. Why not plan beforehand to be prepared of the changes that will happen and be more at ease with your decisions.  It's almost the same type of feeling people get after a loss from a death or divorce. So why not be prepared and think ahead.

Some feel lost and even that they don't know what they can do now once they retire. Athletes have been told what to do by their coaches all of their career. Being on a strict schedule in order to make their career to the pros.  Now it's their time, to dedicated not to the team but to themselves and their families and sometimes the change can be difficult. They look for something to fill the void of being with their team. Many can not adapt to a everyday lifestyle because they have been on the road, practices and has had their home life taken care of for them. Their life becomes dull for them, the exciting career has reached a halt. Divorces, Addictions and various changes in their life.

So they look for answers...Do you feel...

  • Lost 
  • Loneliness 
  • Void feeling 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety 
  • Bad decision making 
  • Financial issues 
  • Fitness Regiment changes

If you feel any one of these or more then you may need to stop and think before you do.  Pattie Freeman works with many post retirement athletes wanting answers. She helps them understand and begin to make the right choices needed to live their life strong and feel confident once again. She helps them take hold of their life and take control.

So the athletes you might have lost touch with could be on this list—Randy Johnson in a Japanese game show or Dennis Rodman in a bromance with a North Korean dictator. Athletes who became Actors, Reality Stars and of course Music Videos. They are all looking to fill the void and make them feel satisfied. The thrill that makes their life back to what is normal for them.

Athletes are Perfectionist no matter what sports they play. Many of them feel they can play a lifetime. Logically, maybe but not- none of them plan to what they love to do besides sports. They never had the option.

Pattie can help you feel...

  • Stronger
  • Committed to decisions
  • Happy
  • Accept changes
  • Prepare for the future
  • Enjoy life
  • Be a Athletic mentor for others

Why not feel happy, secure and feel in control of your life more then ever. By taking control and staying positive with who you are.

Never lose who you are but, become even more memorable.

602-400-0653 / 310-927-2122